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Human Cervix Adenocarcinoma Cells with mTag-GFP2 and CX43

Gap junctions were targeted in the featured human cervix adenocarcinoma cells (HeLa line) with mTagGFP2 fused to connexin Cx43. Gap junctions are intercellular connections that directly link the cytoplasm of adjacent animal cells. Plant cells feature an analogous type of junction referred to as plasmodesmata. Connexins are the proteins that form gap junctions. Six connexins join together to form a single hemichannel, or connexon. Each gap junction is formed from two hemichannels.

The green fluorescent protein mTagGFP2 is a variant of TagGFP, which was developed via mutation of the Aequorea macrodactyla GFP-like fluorescent protein. The brightness of mTagGFP2 is comparable to the brightness of GFP, but the photostability of the newer fluorescent protein is significantly greater. Excitation and emission maxima of mTagGFP2 occur at 483 and 506 nanometers, respectively.