The LSM 700 laser scanning confocal microscope is a member of the seventh generation of confocal instruments from Carl Zeiss. Equipped with up to four solid-state lasers, the microscope is capable of scanning a 512 x 512 pixel region at five frames per second with a zoom factor ranging between 0.5x and 40x. In addition, the unique scanning unit contains a variable dichromatic mirror that enables spectral imaging coupled with linear unmixing to untangle highly overlapping emission spectra. The digital images presented in this gallery were obtained using a LSM 700 using a 40x apochromatic objective to examine tissue sections ranging in thickness between 10 and 40 micrometers. All tissues were triple-labeled with a combination of Alexa Fluor dyes and a nuclear stain, such as DAPI, SYTOX Green or Hechst 33248.